Changing the Registration Address of a Lithuanian Company
The company registration address is the official address of the company used in the registers of official institutions. It doesn’t have to match the address of your company’s office, department, or workplace.
The Lithuanian company being established must have a location and registration address. Having chosen the location address of the company, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the owner of the real estate at the address of which the company will be registered. The consent issued by an individual must be notarized, the consent issued by a legal entity must be submitted in writing, certified with the seal of the legal entity and signed by a representative of the legal entity. The above consent and other documents (the Company foundation deed, Company’s charter, the document on the appointment of the director, the certificate from the bank on the formed authorized capital, etc.) shall be submitted to the notary for certification. The notarized constituent documents of the company shall be submitted to the Register of Legal Entities.
The location of a legal entity is mandatory for every legal entity registered in Lithuania. The Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania establishes that the place of registration of a legal entity is the place where its permanent governing body is located. The location of the legal entity shall be confirmed by specifying the address of the premises where the location is located. The legal address must also be indicated in the documents of the legal entity.
In closed joint-stock companies, the decision to change the location shall be made by the meeting of shareholders of the company, in state institutions â by the general meeting of shareholders, and in small partnerships by the meeting of members of a small partnership.
When making a decision to change the location of the company, it is important to pay attention to whether the company’s location is indicated in the company’s charter. If the legal address is specified in the charter, then in this case the change of the legal address is equal to the change of the company’s charter and must be made at the notary office or through the self-service portal Registrų centras.
If the legal address is specified in the charter of the company and the company agrees to amend its charter and approve it in a new version that corresponds to the standard charter of a closed joint stock company approved by the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania, the charter can be changed in the self-service system of the Registration Center.
In the case of a change of the location of the Registrų centras, the following must be submitted:
1. Application for registration of changes in the JAR-1.2 form.
2. Minutes of the general meeting of participants that decided to change the place of residence.
3. If a legal entity is not the owner of the premises provided for the registration of the office of the legal entity, its branch or representative office, or the premises belong to the legal entity on the right of joint ownership â written or electronic consent to the provision of premises for the registration of the office of the legal entity is provided by the owner or co-owner to provide premises for the registration of the legal entity office.
4. A document certifying the identity of the person who provided the documents and data. If the supplier of documents and data acts through a representative, a power of attorney must be submitted to the registry administrator along with the documents. When sending a request to change the address of a Lithuanian company by mail, a copy of the identity document of the head shall be attached.
An application for changing the location of a legal entity can also be submitted electronically through the self-service system Registrų centras. To do this, the supplier of documents and data (the head or a person authorized by the head) must log in to the customer self-service system of the Registration Center with a qualified electronic signature.
Please note that if the registered premises are not the property of the legal entity, the system will form an Agreement to provide premises for the headquarters of a legal entity, which must be signed by all the current owners of the premises with an electronic signature. The owners of the premises can sign a contract for the provision of premises for the office of a legal entity also through the self-service system Registrų centras.
A state fee is paid for registering a change of address.
If all the necessary data and documents are provided correctly, the changed data must be registered no later than 3 working days.
If it is necessary to change the address of the Lithuanian company, the lawyers of Company in Lithuania UAB will be happy to accompany you throughout the procedure and make the necessary changes by proxy completely remotely with minimal time on your part.
Assistance in renting an office in Lithuania, obtaining permission to register the new address, assistance in changing the address in commercial register of Lithuania | 1,000 EUR |
* The cost includes all fees of the Registration Center of Lithuania.
* The procedure for changing the address of a Lithuanian company can be carried out completely remotely