Double Legalization of Documents in Lithuania

Double legalization of documents in Lithuania is a crucial process that holds significant importance in various legal and administrative contexts. This procedure involves obtaining two levels of authentication for a document, ensuring its validity and acceptance within the Lithuanian jurisdiction.

The primary reason for double legalization stems from the need to verify the authenticity of foreign documents and ensure compliance with Lithuanian legal standards. By undergoing this process, documents originating from other countries are subjected to thorough scrutiny and validation, thus minimizing the risk of fraudulent or forged documentation being used in official matters.

Furthermore, double legalization serves to bridge the gap between different legal systems and facilitate international cooperation. In an increasingly interconnected world where cross-border transactions and collaborations are commonplace, having standardized procedures for document authentication is essential for promoting transparency, trust, and legal certainty.


Company in Lithuania UAB offers professional services for legalizing documents at the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Our service entails obtaining the necessary authentication from the ministry, provided that the document has already been authenticated in the issuing country, thereby securing the second required seal.

We are pleased to offer our comprehensive document legalization service, tailored to meet your needs. The cost for this service is 600 EUR, and it includes the following:

  • Legalization of documents at the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Second seal authentication

To initiate the legalization process, we kindly request a notarized power of attorney from the individual whose document is being legalized. Upon receipt of all necessary documentation, the process typically takes between 5 to 10 working days to obtain the required stamp.

In the context of business and commerce, double legalization is particularly vital for establishing credibility and legitimacy in international transactions. It provides assurance to business partners, regulatory authorities, and other stakeholders that the documents presented are genuine and legally binding, thereby fostering a conducive environment for trade and investment.

Moreover, double legalization plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of various legal processes, such as immigration, marriage, adoption, and academic credential recognition. Without proper authentication, foreign documents may not be recognized or accepted by Lithuanian authorities, leading to delays, complications, or even legal disputes.

In summary, double legalization of documents in Lithuania is indispensable for upholding the integrity of legal proceedings, promoting international cooperation, and facilitating seamless interactions across borders. It serves as a cornerstone of trust and reliability in the global arena, underscoring the importance of adhering to standardized procedures for document authentication in today’s interconnected world.

Double Legalization of Documents in Lithuania

Legalize Police Clearance Certificate from Ministry Of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania

Legalisation of a Criminal Record Certificate from the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a key process for those planning to work, study or immigrate to other countries. This process authenticates the document, making it recognised and valid outside Lithuania. In this article, we will look at how a Criminal Record Certificate is legalised by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Step 1: Obtaining a criminal record certificate

First of all, you need to obtain a Criminal Record Certificate from the relevant Lithuanian institutions. This document is issued by police stations or other authorised bodies and confirms that the applicant has no or no criminal record.

Step 2: Translation of the document

If the country to which you intend to send the document requires a foreign language translation, you will need to contact a certified translator. The translation must be done accurately and accurately reflect all the information provided in the original Certificate of Criminal Record.

Step 3: Apostilisation or legalisation

Next comes the process of apostilisation or legalisation of the Certificate of Criminal Record, which depends on whether the country of destination is part of the Hague Apostille Convention. For countries that are members of the Hague Convention, apostilisation is sufficient, while other countries may require full legalisation of the document.

Step 4: Contacting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

For legalisation or apostilisation you need to apply to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. It is necessary to submit the original copy of the Criminal Record Certificate, its translation, as well as fill in the application and pay the established state fee. It is important to check the current requirements and fees on the official website of the Ministry, as they may change.

Step 5: Obtaining a legalised document

After processing your request, the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will affix an apostille to the document or legalise it to confirm its authenticity. The document thus obtained will be recognised in the country of destination.


Legalisation of the Certificate of No Criminal Record from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania is an important stage in the preparation of documents for international use. The process may seem complicated, but if you follow the instructions and requirements carefully, you can successfully complete it. It is important to start preparing in advance, taking into account the time required to obtain all confirmations and legalise the documents.

 Double Legalisation of Police Character Certificate

Dual legalisation of a Police Character Reference, also known as a Criminal Record Certificate, is a process that is required for the use of this document in countries that are not members of the Hague Apostille Convention. This process involves certification of the document first by the national authorities of the issuing country and then by the consular section or embassy of the country where the document is to be used. This article discusses the detailed process of dual legalisation of a police character reference.

Step 1: Obtaining a criminal record certificate

The first step is to obtain a criminal record certificate from the police or the relevant government agency in the country of residence or citizenship. This document provides information about whether or not a person has a criminal record.

Step 2: Translation of the document

The document must be translated into the language of the country where it will be used. The translation must be done by a certified translator and sometimes needs to be notarised.

Step 3: Legalisation with national authorities

Before the certificate can be presented to the embassy or consulate of a foreign country, it must be legalised with the relevant national authorities of the country of issue. This may be the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or another authority authorised to carry out legalisation of documents for international use.

Step 4: Legalisation at a consulate or embassy

After legalisation at the national level, the document must be submitted to the consular section or embassy of the country of destination for final legalisation. The process and requirements may vary significantly from country to country, so it is important to clarify the necessary details in advance.

Step 5: Payment of fees

A state fee is usually charged for double legalisation of a criminal record certificate. The amount of the fee and how to pay it should be clarified in each specific case on official websites or directly with the legalisation authorities.

Step 6: Using the document

Once the dual legalisation process is completed, the criminal record certificate becomes usable in the target country, whether for immigration, education, employment or other official procedures.


Dual legalisation of a criminal record certificate is a complex process that requires attention to detail and an understanding of the specific requirements of both the country of issue and the country of use of the document. It is important to start preparations well in advance and to take into account possible processing times at each stage. Seeking assistance from professional agencies or consultants specialising in document legalisation can greatly simplify the process and minimise the risks of errors.

It is important to remember that the exact requirements and procedures are subject to change, so it is advisable to check the official websites of the relevant ministries, embassies and consulates for up-to-date information before starting the process. In addition, please note that in some cases additional authentication or verification of documents may be required.

In addition to its legal aspect, the dual legalisation of the Criminal Record Certificate underlines its importance and necessity for international interaction in today’s world. It is a key document that confirms your legal purity and integrity to foreign governments and organisations.

Once you have completed this process, you have all the necessary documents to fulfil the legal requirements in the destination country, whether it is to continue your education, start a new job or move to a permanent residence. This opens the door to new opportunities and is an important step towards achieving your goals.

In conclusion, dual legalisation is a procedure that requires patience and attention to detail, but it is absolutely essential to internationally certify your personal and legal status. With the right approach and proper preparation, this process will be successfully completed, opening up new perspectives and opportunities for you.

Double Legalisation from the Ministry of Foriegn Affairs of Lithunia

Dual legalisation of documents from the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is an important process for those who plan to use Lithuanian documents abroad in countries that do not accept apostille as a sufficient form of legalisation. This process involves the official authentication of the document first by the Lithuanian national authorities and then by the diplomatic or consular representation of the country in which the document is to be used. This article offers detailed guidance on the process of dual legalisation of documents through the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Step 1: Preparing the document

Before you start the legalisation process, make sure that you have an official document that requires legalisation. This may be a certificate of criminal record, marriage certificate, education diploma and so on. The document must be issued by the relevant authorised body in Lithuania.

Step 2: Translation of the document

If a document and its subsequent use require translation, a certified translator should be contacted. The translation must be certified to ensure its accuracy and authenticity. It is important that the translator is accredited by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or another recognised body.

Step 3: Legalisation with Lithuanian national authorities

The first stage of dual legalisation is to apply to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other relevant authority to obtain the initial legalisation of the document. At this stage, the authenticity of the signature on the document and the authorisation of the person who signed it is verified.

Step 4: Legalisation at an embassy or consulate

Once the document has been legalised by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the next step is to have it legalised at the embassy or consulate of the country where the document will be used. This step requires submission of the legalised document and its translation, as well as payment of a consular fee.

Step 5: Processing time and fees

The time required to process documents may vary depending on the specific authority and current workload. It is worth checking in advance with both the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the consulate of the country of interest about the deadlines and fees.

Step 6: Additional recommendations

  • Make sure you know exactly what your particular country’s requirements are for legalising documents.
  • Keep copies of all documents in case the originals are lost or damaged.
  • Consider seeking help from professional agencies specialising in document legalisation if the process seems too complicated or if you have a limited amount of time.
  • Don’t forget to check the expiry date of documents, as legalised documents are often required to be produced within a certain period of time after they have been issued.


Dual legalisation of documents through the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a necessary procedure to ensure their legal validity in other countries. This process may seem complicated and time-consuming, but it is vital to prevent legal and administrative problems when using Lithuanian documents abroad. By following the steps and tips outlined above, as well as being patient and paying attention to detail, it is possible to successfully complete the dual legalisation process.

It is important to remember that rules and procedures may change, so it is always relevant to check the information on the official websites of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant diplomatic missions before starting the legalisation process. Also, do not hesitate to seek help from qualified specialists if you have any questions or doubts regarding the legalisation of your documents.

 Double legalisation by MOFA in Lithuania

Dual legalisation of documents by the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) is an important process for those who intend to use Lithuanian official documents abroad. This procedure ensures international recognition of documents by authenticating their authenticity for use in countries that are not parties to the Hague Apostille Convention. Dual legalisation involves obtaining stamps or seals from both the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the diplomatic or consular representation of the country in which the documents will be used. In this article we will look at the process of dual legalisation of documents through MOFA in Lithuania.

Step 1: Preparation of documents

Before starting the legalisation process, it is necessary to prepare official documents that require legalisation. These may include marriage certificates, diplomas, criminal record certificates and other official papers. Make sure that the documents are in order and do not have any corrections or blunders that may cause questions during the legalisation process.

Step 2: Translation of documents

If the documents and their translations will be used in a country where the official language differs from Lithuanian, the documents must be translated. The translation must be done by an accredited translator and usually needs to be notarised.

Step 3: Initial legalisation with MOFA Lithuania

The documents and their translations are submitted to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for initial legalisation. This stage confirms the authenticity of the documents and certifies the signatures on them. The MOFA checks whether the documents comply with Lithuanian norms and standards and affixes an appropriate stamp or seal to them.

Step 4: Legalisation with a diplomatic mission

Once the documents have been legalised by MOFA Lithuania, the next step is to present them to the embassy or consulate of the country where they will be used. At this stage, the diplomatic mission verifies the legalisation performed by MOFA and affixes its stamps or seals confirming the additional legalisation of the documents for their use in that country.

Step 5: Payment of fees

There is a fee for double legalisation of documents, both at MOFA and at the diplomatic mission. Costs and payment methods may vary, so it is recommended to check these details in advance.

Step 6: Timing of processing

The time required to process documents at each stage of dual legalisation may vary. It depends on the current workload of the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a particular diplomatic mission. Therefore, plan the legalisation process in advance, especially if the documents are required by a certain deadline.

Recommendations and advice

  • Check the document requirements: Before you start the process, make sure you know exactly the document requirements from the destination country. Sometimes additional documents or special forms may be required.
  • Keep copies: Always keep copies of all documents and translations in case the originals are lost or damaged during the legalisation process.
  • Consultation with experts: If you have any doubts or difficulties with the legalisation process, consider consulting with professionals who specialise in international document legalisation.
  • Take into account the validity period of legalised documents: Some documents, once legalised, have a limited validity period for use in another country. Check this information to avoid the need to repeat the legalisation process.


Dual legalisation of documents through the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a necessary procedure for official use of Lithuanian documents abroad in countries that do not recognise apostille. Although the process may seem lengthy and complicated, carefully following the steps and recommendations will ensure the successful legalisation of your documents. Properly legalised documents open the door to many international opportunities, including education, employment and personal affairs abroad.

How to double legalise my police clearance certificate?

Dual legalisation of a criminal record certificate is a procedure required for the official use of the document outside the country of issue, especially in countries that are not signatories to the Hague Apostille Convention. The process involves a series of legal actions that aim to authenticate the document for international use. This article describes the key steps required for dual legalisation of a criminal record certificate.

Step 1: Obtaining a criminal record certificate

The first step is to obtain an up-to-date criminal record certificate from the relevant government authorities in your country. Make sure that the document contains all the necessary stamps and signatures required for further legalisation.

Step 2: Certified translation

As the certificate will be used in a foreign country, it is necessary to have it translated by a professional translator. The translation should be certified, which confirms its accuracy. In some cases, the translation may need to be notarised.

Step 3: Legalisation with national authorities

Before a criminal record certificate can be legalised by a foreign country, it must undergo a legalisation procedure with the national authorities of the country of issue. This usually involves applying to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other authorised government body for an apostille or initial legalisation.

Step 4: Legalisation at diplomatic missions

Once an apostille or initial legalisation has been obtained, the document must be presented to the consulate or embassy of the country in which it will be used for final legalisation. This process may involve additional verification of the document and the affixing of a special stamp or seal to confirm its legality for use in that country.

Step 5: Payment of fees

A fee is usually charged for dual legalisation, both by the national authorities and by the diplomatic mission. The fee may vary depending on the country and specific requirements, so it is important to check these details in advance.

Step 6: Submission of documents

When submitting documents for legalisation, it is important to carefully follow all instructions and requirements of the relevant authorities. Some countries may require pre-registration or the completion of certain forms online.

Step 7: Validating and using the document

Once the dual legalisation process has been completed, it is important to carefully check all the details and stamps on the criminal record certificate. Make sure that all stamps and signatures are clearly visible and correctly affixed. The document is now ready for international use.


The process of dual legalisation of a criminal record certificate requires attention to detail and may take some time. However, by following these steps, you will be able to successfully complete the procedure, allowing you to use the document in any country that requires this level of authentication. Whatever the purpose – be it study, work, immigration or marriage abroad – dual legalisation will ensure that your criminal record certificate is legally valid in the target country.

Remember to start the process well in advance, especially if deadlines are critical. In case of difficulties or to simplify the process, you can seek help from specialised agencies that provide document legalisation services. It is also a good idea to contact the consular department of the target country to get up-to-date information on legalisation requirements and necessary documents.

In conclusion, it is important to note that properly legalised documents are key to avoiding legal problems when crossing borders, and dual legalisation of a criminal record certificate is an important step towards your international plans and endeavours.

 How to legalise criminal records in Lithuania?

Legalisation of a criminal record certificate in Lithuania is a process that is required for official use of the document outside the country. Legalisation confirms the authenticity of the document for international bodies and institutions. The legalisation process may involve obtaining an apostille or double legalisation, depending on whether the destination country accepts the Hague Apostille Convention. In this article we will look at the steps required to legalise a criminal record certificate in Lithuania in order to use it abroad.

Step 1: Obtaining a criminal record certificate

The first step is to obtain a criminal record certificate. In Lithuania, this document can be obtained at the police department of the place of residence or through the official e-service portal. When applying, you will need to provide a valid identity document and pay the state fee, if applicable.

Step 2: Translation of the document

In order to use a criminal record certificate outside Lithuania, it must be translated into the relevant language. The translation must be done by a certified translator. In some cases, the translated document may need to be notarised.

Step 3: Obtaining an apostille

If the country where the criminal record certificate will be used is a party to the Hague Convention, an apostille must be obtained. In Lithuania, an apostille for a criminal record certificate is issued by the Ministry of Justice. For this purpose, the original document and its translation must be submitted and the relevant fee must be paid.

Step 4: Dual legalisation

If the country of destination does not recognise the apostille, double legalisation will be required. This process starts with applying to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for initial legalisation of the document. Then the certificate and its translation must be submitted to the consulate or embassy of the country of destination in Lithuania for final legalisation.

Step 5: Payment of fees

A state fee is charged for the legalisation of a criminal record certificate and its translation. The fees may vary depending on the type of legalisation required and the urgency of processing the documents.

Step 6: Submission of documents

When applying for legalisation, it is important to read all the requirements carefully and ensure that all the necessary paperwork is submitted. In some cases, an appointment or online application may be required.


Legalisation of a criminal record certificate in Lithuania is a process that requires careful attention and planning. Make sure that you are familiar with the requirements of the country where you plan to use the document in advance and allocate enough time to complete all the steps of legalisation. It is also important to keep up-to-date information about the legalisation procedure, as rules and fees may change.

Remember that a properly legalised document opens up many opportunities for you to work, study or move abroad. In case of difficulties or to simplify the process, you can seek help from specialised agencies or legal entities that provide document legalisation services.

In conclusion, successful legalisation of a criminal record certificate in Lithuania is an important step towards your international activities. The process may seem complicated, but following the instructions carefully and fulfilling all the requirements will ensure the successful completion of this stage.

If you require assistance with the process of double legalization, we encourage you to contact Company in Lithuania UAB.

Double Legalization of documents in Lithuania 600 EUR

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