Accounting services in Lithuania
An EORI number is issued by the customs department of one of the EU member states in which a business is established (either has a registered office or central headquarters) and it’s valid in other EU member states as well. If a business engaging in international trade within the EU is established outside the EU territory, an EORI number should be applied for via the customs authorities of the country responsible for the place where they first lodge a declaration or apply for a decision.
More information about the EU customs authorities responsible for assigning an EORI number and the validity of an EORI number can be accessed here.
EORI Number Application Process
If a company’s representative is a Lithuanian citizen, it means he/she has an option to prove his/her identity via the Shared User Management Portal, which also enables them to apply for an EORI number via the Customs Authorisation System Portal.
However, currently, the option to submit EORI number applications via the Customs Authorisation System Portal is being developed for foreign representatives. In the meantime, foreign applicants have to email the EORI number request form along with required documentation to one of the Territorial Customs Offices in Lithuania:
At the time of applying, you will be required to submit such information as:
- Residence address of the legal or natural person, including the two-letter ISO code of the country in which they are registered.
- VAT payer code(s) issued by Lithuania and, if applicable, by other EU member states.
- Data on the company’s establishment in the EU.
- Contact details of an applicant or a representative.
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